Lex International (LI) is structured according to the international
standards for NGO's. Lex International functions as a non-membership
organization. We will introduce you, briefly, to
the organizational scheme of LI in which you will be able
to find your position in organization.
A. Organizational schematic of steering part
On the following picture you can see the organizational
structure of the steering part. Vertical lines transfer
parts of competence from the higher level bodies to lower
level ones. Messages with binding importance for lower level
bodies are communicated through vertical lines. Horizontal
lines connect advisory bodies to bodies with decision making
capabilities for their level. Advisory bodies do not make
decisions, they just offer advice to decision makers.

The Statute (Point VI - bodies of representation) and Rules
for member election and functioning of the Steering board
define relations within governing bodies and between governing
and executive bodies.
B. Organizational schematic of executive part
Organizational schematic of executive part shows connecting
lines and hierarchy that are under competence of Executive
director. On the following picture you can see organizational
schematic of executive part of LI.

Regional offices - officers are hired as needed